Fungal Grotto I

Fungal Grotto I

Base Game

Minimum Level 10

15 minutes

Varanis, Stonefalls

Kings of the Grotto

These extensive caverns in the volcanic rock beneath Stonefalls were once used for unknown purposes by the ancient Chimer, but were abandoned by the Elves long ago. Now they are the haunt of Goblins and other denizens of the underworld.  



To defeat Bloodbirther, the tank needs to be aware of its main mechanic, Shocking Rake, a channeled frontal cone AOE ability that deals periodic lightning damage to anyone in the area. It is important to avoid this ability by moving out of its range. Additionally, Bloodbirther may occasionally pull random targets towards it, but this is more of an annoyance and can be managed through proper positioning and crowd control abilities.


To defeat Clatterclaw, you need to focus on quickly eliminating the large number of mudcrabs he periodically summons. If your group can burst them down before they become a threat, the fight will be quite easy. However, ignoring the mudcrabs and attempting to tank them instead will likely put you in great danger.

Kraâu20ac™gh the Dreugh King

To defeat Kra'gh the Dreugh King, you need to focus on bursting down the horde of mudcrabs he summons with AOE abilities. Be aware of his main attack, Lightning Field, which deals significant lightning damage and can one-shot players with low gear. When you see a red circle beneath him, quickly move away to avoid taking damage. Also, be cautious of his ability to pull players towards him, as the lightning field often follows this. The tank should pay attention to the Lunging Strike, which can knock them down, and the channeled lightning attack called Storm Flurry.

Tazkad the Packmaster

To defeat Tazkad the Packmaster, you should focus on interrupting Tazkad's Agony ability, a high magic damage attack that stuns the tank briefly. Additionally, be prepared for Blood Craze, a physical damage over time attack applied to the tank, which cannot be avoided and requires the tank to absorb the damage.

Warchief Ozazai

To defeat Warchief Ozazai, players need to be aware of several boss mechanics. Firstly, players targeted by the red beam should quickly move away from the group to avoid the explosion radius of the Daedric Blast, which deals high magic damage. Additionally, when Ozazai reaches low health, he will periodically cast Staggering Roar, an AOE shout that inflicts significant physical damage. Players can outrange this attack to avoid taking damage. The tank should be vigilant for Ozazai's heavy attack, Haymaker, as it deals high physical damage and knocks down its target. At the start of the fight, Ozazai will use Shock Assault, a leap that deals physical damage to all targets in its impact area. It is crucial to prioritize eliminating the two Murkwater War Guard adds accompanying Ozazai. These adds can plant a Dragonknight standard that inflicts AOE fire damage and have a Charge ability that deals high physical damage and knocks down targets. Taking down these adds promptly will greatly facilitate the fight.

Gear Sets

Spider Cultist Cowl   Light Armor
Viper's Sting   Medium Armor
Dreugh King Slayer   Heavy Armor
Kra'gh   Monster Helm Sets


Fungal Grotto I Vanquisher   10 points
Fungal Grotto I Conqueror   10 points
Catch of the Day   50 points
Veteran Dreugh Slayer   10 points
Veteran Goblin Slayer   10 points
Fungal Grotto I Survivor   50 points
Fungal Grotto I Assassin   50 points
